Limit the intake of this feed to 2 - 2.5% of the body weight of the animal. That is to prevent digestion/eating disorders. Start approximately 3 - 4 months prior to auction with preparations. Supply roughage or field pastures ad lib.
Finishing off of stud animals and feedlot animals differs - the ration for stud animals differs totally from the ration used to finishing off feedlot animals.
- The energy is much lower to prevent the rapid growth of animals or to prevent them of becoming too fat and/or accumulating unnecessary fat. - Not only does the unnecessary fat looks untidy but it will also have a negative impact on fertility if and when fat accumulates around the scrotum. - It also has got a negative impact on hooves. Energy levels, which are too high, can enhance hoof growth.
A large part of the protein, which is used in the TW Phase D-ration, is derived from natural sources (up to 85%). It is directly correlated to fertility and because the bypass flow of protein is taken place in the intestine, muscle definition is promoted. In this way, genetics are being complimented much more.
Because these animals are prepared to have an impact within own or other herds for up to 10 years, the phosphate and calcium needs are adapted to promote and enhance the skeleton and bone structure. Organic and anorganic trace minerals are included to promote genes.
Feed at about 2½% of the body weight of the animal ±30 days before an auction or show takes place. Supply roughage at all times. Use for the final preparation of bulls and female animals for auctions and shows. This product will give animals a glossy appearance - the "coat" will shine. It will give animals a well muscled appearance before auctions and shows.
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