How to manage a pig unit as economically as possible

The success of the pig feed production in South Africa depends on a few fundamental aspects to manage a pig unit as economical as possible to put meat into money.


To achieve economical production results (kg feed = kg meat) with the top formulated high specification feeds that Telwiedrè provides.

Important Aspects

  1. Type of pig (genetically)
  2. Type of housing
  3. Sex
  4. Age and purpose of pig (re-production or growth)
  5. Environmental factors
  6. Additives to rations
  7. Quality of feed products/feeding methods
  8. Farm health

Type of pig

Always keep genetics in mind because the ratio of growth against feed intake (feeding turnover) is going to determine profits. It varies between type of race to race. The ability to convert protein deposition into maximum meat, is direct depending on the ability of the type of race to use the feed economically.


It is important to feed the various sexes according to recommendations, because the purpose of sustenance and re-production will differ between the two sexes, as well as the growth, where needs will vary between protein, energy and amino acids.

Age and purposeful nutrition

Keep in mind that feeds for sustenance, as well as for growth, varies. Ad lib means to be always available with sustenance at kg per day with applications at different times (2 times per day).

Environmental factors

Because the environment is playing an ultimate roll in the growth of the animal, it is important to keep the following in mind:

  • summer/winter
  • temperature in the shed (open or closed housing)
  • ventilation control (mainly creeping/crawling and weaning housing)
  • area where your industry is situated will play a huge roll in the type
  • of housing which needed to be erected.

Quality of feeds

The quality of feed products is determined by the following factors:

Raw materials

At Telwiedré we ensure quality structures and systems, so that samples of all raw materials will always be tested frst and approved/declined before entering onto the premises will be allowed. The standard must always be acceptable for using in pig or any other animal feed products.

Ready-mixed products

From every two tons of ready mixed product, samples are taken to test the standard thereof in the laboratory to ensure that it is suitable and comply with laid down quality specifcations, before leaving the premises.

Additives to rations/feed products

Additives can be done, but it usually increases costs. The benefit is the absorption of nutrients and the control of toxins. Compare the economy against better feed turnover against feeding costs.

Farm health

The health of the herd, as well as the presence of diseases, has got an influence on growth and is working against the digestive system, as well as the immune system, which will limit the intake of feeds by sick and weak animals. Litter sizes, as well as wean weight of piglets, are directly affected by the bio-security which is applied on the farm.